Books by Ida Smith

Thank you for visiting my website and checking out books by Ida Smith. I write books in two different generes, Thrillers and Historical Fiction. I also write short stories that usually lean toward historical fiction or thrillers/suspense. Click on the images below to see my books and…

Choose Your Next Jagged Journeys Book by Ida Smith


Mysteries and Thrillers by Ida Smith aka I.W. Smith

Short Stories

Short Stories of Jagged Journeys

Welcome to Ida Smith’s Jagged Journeys Books. In the old days, authors were stuck writing in one genre. Not today. Self-publishing has liberated authors, allowing them to try their hand at different genre’s. YAY!

Advantage for Readers:

For readers, this means you get to enjoy a variety of stories by the same author. Only like one type of genre? No problem. Just read the genre you enjoy. But for those who feel adventurous, an author’s varied works might open a new world for you.

Advantage for Writers:

For writers, it means we get to explore different types of stories and ways of telling stories. There are lots of different ways to tell a story. Some techniques work better for different genres. This means, writing in a different genre allows us to expands our skills and abilities. Hopefully, giving you, our readers, stronger and more interesting stories.

At this stage of my writing journey, I generally write thrillers and historical fiction. Sometimes these two genres can seem quite opposite, but sometimes they overlap.

Jagged Journeys Books

In all my stories, I weave in the idea of characters traveling jagged journeys. Of course, a journey that’s a straight line is boring. So I add lots of twists and turns to keep the journey bumpy. Now it’s your turn to Choose Your Next trip with a Jagged Journeys Book.

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