Flash Fiction Exercise

Image by Angela Yuriko Smith from Pixabay 

Try your hand at Flash Fiction!

I’ve selected three images and have posted them on three different pages of my website. Get a notebook or open a writing document on your computer. Set a timer and give yourself 5 minutes to write a story about the first image. After 5 minutes, click on the link to the next page and continue for another five minutes, including that image in your story. Then, finish up with the third image.

I find writing in a notebook is a little more freeing. There’s no need to be perfect and I can make mistakes then clean up spelling and puncuation errors at the end of the activity.

If you want to share your story with me and your fellow readers, please email me a copy, and depending upon how many I get, I’ll either share it in the next email or create a page on my website where we can read each other’s stories.

All I ask is that you keep it clean! I reserve the right to not publish offensive stories.